
So there I was on the kitchen floor wondering WTF just happened. Twenty years from now this might be a problem and a possible meme. Twenty years earlier I would have laughed it off. But today I just lay here for a minute or two contemplating the chances that I am laying on a shard of broken bowl and if it cut into the white meat. I lay here wondering if I’ll discover that a bone or a ligament is bent in a gnarly angle when I attempt to get up. Its not that I’m above being clumsy. It’s just that the puddle of water and the resulting fall was cartoonish and could have ended tragically. In my youth, I didn’t have time to contemplate something so trivial. I’d just brush it off and limp my way to whatever bar happened to have the cheapest beer that night. Youth can heal. Youth is too busy living to worry about death or serious injury. A wise man once said, “Youth is wasted on the young.” I beg to differ. Even if I had the youth of a 23 year-old, wisdom would keep both feet on the ground and within a three drink limit. Let the young have their youth. They’d enjoy it more.

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